In case you find yourself stopping by this site, thank you but I’m no longer here!

I appreciate your taking time to read my reviews or find out something a bit new about a book you’ve picked up. However, if you’re looking for more recent reads or reviews, you won’t find much here. Since I’ve started teaching I’ve found myself writing full book reviews less and simply recommending them and getting them into the hands of my students more.

I’ve also moved sites.
You can now find my bookish posts and teaching thoughts at Caitlin Lore (.com)
Occasionally I’ll post a review there, but more so I’m recommending and reviewing books these days via my alter online ego, MsLReads.

I’m on Instagram, Tumblr, Twitter, and Facebook and I’d love to connect with you on any of those platforms!

Thanks again so much for reading The Hopeful Heroine! I’m definitely still in the business of recommending books, so don’t hesitate to reach out to me via another platform if you’d like to get a book in the hands of a young reader. You can email me at:

MsLReads (at) caitlinlore (dot) com

Thanks again!mslsig